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What's the #1 Killer of Your Success?

Written by Gene Adam

The biggest enemy in your business is… are you ready??...  YOU!


I know, I know you might say:
"What?", "Wait, I don't have any problems"


Whether you realize it or not we all have it. Don't believe me? If not, that might be an ego problem. 


Let me ask you this. Do you feel sometimes any of these things?
Anger. Fear. Desperation. Excitement. Happiness. Despair. Hope.


Because we are human beings and we have emotions.

Many times our emotions could help us, but many time they can also paralyze us.


For example, when you are playing a chess tournament or tennis a tournament. It's usually NOT about your skills anymore. It's mostly not about your wisdom and how great of a genius you are… (there are exceptions but mostly it's totally something else… because if you are already playing a chess tournament you are probably already amazing at playing chess)


Your biggest issue in tournaments is:

Your inability to deal under pressure. It's inability to deal in hard situations. It's handling your emotions that can easily destroy you..


As Josh Waitzkin points out in his book "The Art of Learning"  when he won chess championships it wasn't so much about the skill. 

It was all the external things. Like the noise, distraction, people and  his fame that could easily occupy his mind.


He tuned everyone out. It was quiet in his head… He could think… He could funnel his thoughts easily…


If you got an internet business it's the same idea. You got a bunch of distractions that occupy your mind.


Facebook, text from a friend, some one called you, mail notification, somebody honked on the street, you meet somebody in the office for a friendly talk, invitation to Starbucks, somebody really needs to talk… argh… stop already… ding… Wait something just came in, let me check that message… wait, it's a message from an unsatisfied client… oh no…


Tune it out…




    1. Work in chunks of 33 mins(33m works well for me, you can experiment)
    2. Turn off everything you got that makes a noise… (sometimes it's people, tell your mum, your girlfriend and your friends, it's important and close the door)
    3. Take 15 min breaks, you can access your unconscious mind which will do the work for you even if you're resting
    4. Calm your mind. How? Mediate. How? You can lay down and Stop thinking any thought you have running in your mind… You can do breathing exercises that calm you down..
    (you can meditate on your breaks or separately.)
    5. This is optional.. But sometimes helps… Do some exercise. 15 mins a day… but every day.. It also can do the trick and clear up your cluttered mind. 
While some people will skip the mediation part, but don't underestimate it's powers.


Josh Waitzkin swear by the meditation and calming exercises and have won multiple chess and Thai Chi tournaments




Back to the #1 killer of your business.


It's you. It's your mind trying to race 150 miles per hour. You can slow down the time.


You can concentrate and see your task VERY CLEAR. And when you see it clear you can achieve it.


Gene Adam



You passive income guy     

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