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Millionaires Make Passion Lists

Written by Gene Adam

Successful people have one thing in common ...  they revisit their passions all the time.


Your passions will change every 5 years.  In the 20s you may have passions totally different when you're in your 30s and 40s or 50s.


Very successful people are happy at work.  They do what they love.  And they can spend thousands of hours doing what they love.


Steve Jobs is a proof of that. He didn't come to work for a paycheck but something bigger than himself. He didn't cry how his job sucks or did he? ?


 If you don't love what you do you will have a major burn out.  Sure you can make a lot of money But if you don't like what you do, you won't achieve the heights you could with a passion. It could cost you health, relationships, and get you depressed...


Be a kid again and write down your passions. Don't hold back.  Write passions as BIG as possible you can always cross them out later but it will open possibilities.


It will make you think. It will take you places that you haven't visited in a while...


Get crazy. Write things that are out of your comfort zone but you always wanted to do.


I want to surf. I want to jump from a helicopter on a parachute. I want to open a startup... and raise $20 Million... Anything..


Then, see if you can combine it with what you do and your work... If you can't, then think of your passion, think of it as your motivation. If you make enough money you could do "that" passion that you always wanted...



You passive income guy     

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